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Shore Magic and Your Kids

When I was looking to manufacture Shore Magic Collagen to help the children I was working with, it was something I took very very seriously.
It had to be pure.
It had to be the best quality.
It had to be effective.

I did it!!
​For the past four years I have been health coaching kids and adults and using lots of Shore Magic® for many of my clients. I saw quick and measurable differences in all the children who took my Shore Magic! When I received the text this week about a 19-month-old child who began standing and walking after only a week on Shore Magic®, I was elated, but I was not shocked.

I have seen it before. Shore Magic® Premium Hydrolyzed Collagen has been known to support children with low muscle tone, weak joints and delayed development. This beautiful ingredient is quickly absorbed and the amino acids go directly into the body to strengthen the systems of the body that need it most.

That is my “Why”, the reason I started this business. To watch a transformation so amazing that it’s pretty hard to believe. There is a learning curve, but once people understand it, it’s done! They get it and become as passionate as I am.

I have seen the symptoms of kids on the autistic spectrum change in a short time.
- One child started to interact with others (a very big deal for a child with that diagnosis)
- A.D.D. Children I have worked with became more focused and calmer to the point that some teachers have asked their parents if they are on medication.
- Mothers have told me time and time again how much easier it is for them because their anxious children are happier and calmer and less fearful and less worried.

Shore Magic® can help in many situations but it is not limited to that application.
ALL Kids can benefit from Shore Magic®. Just their growing bodies and bones and brains alone can benefit tremendously.

Shore Magic® Collagen also supports the immune system. Many Moms have found that they and their kids get sick much less frequently.

Shore Magic®; For Adults, For Kids, For Pregnant Women. Shore Magic® for EVERYONE!!!